Searching For a Good Law Firm That Files Mesothelioma Claims is a Start For Those That Suffer
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Searching For a Good Law Firm That Files Mesothelioma Claims is a Start For Those That Suffer |
Since this disease is almost always contracted by asbestos exposure, and since asbestos has been mined and used by companies for decades as a flame retardant, many workers have ended up suing their employers because of a disease resulting from this exposure to asbestos. Thousands of asbestos-related lawsuits have been filed in the United States, as well as other countries since the 1930's when the deadly effects of asbestos exposure were first documented.
Unfortunately, thousands of people are diagnosed with some form of mesothelioma. Many seek compensation from the employer who exposed them to asbestos through a mesothelioma lawsuit. The laws associated with asbestos-related disease fall under the personal injury category. The plaintiff sues the defendant for damages which have resulted from negligence or neglect.
In the case of a mesothelioma lawsuit, the plaintiff's attorney must prove that the defendant is responsible for causing the exposure to asbestos, and that the company neglected to inform and protect the plaintiff from its effects. The plaintiff's case is stronger if he or she is a non-smoker and can prove that the asbestos exposure is the only possible cause of his or her disease.
Patients suffering from asbestos-related diseases such as asbestosis or mesothelioma needs to hire a competent and experienced mesothelioma attorney to represent them. Since the defendant is probably a large company with previous experience in these cases, the plaintiff's legal firm should be a specialist in mesothelioma law, and not just in general law.
The defendant's lawyers have several options. They will often offer to settle out of court, especially if they fear that a jury trial would result in a ruling in favor of the plaintiff. Many trials are shortened or avoided all together by a mesothelioma settlement. If they go to trial and lose, they can also appeal the verdict if there are sufficient grounds to do so. This morning I switched on the TV and the first thing I saw was and advertisement by and for a large mesothelioma law firm.
Mesothelioma is actually a very rare form of cancer, yet, several thousand people each year die because of this devastating disease, caused by exposure to asbestos. The lining of the lungs gets affected first, followed by the heart, the entire abdomen and later on, as the disease progresses, other areas inside the body of the victim. Each year around 3000 new mesothelioma cases are being registered. All asbestos induced diseases are known for their long latency period, which makes the diagnosis rather difficult. Many years or even decades may pass before a patient exhibits first symptoms. The overall prognosis is rather poor, effective treatments -- let alone a cure -- is yet to be found.
Mesothelioma law firms have mushroomed over the past ten years. Some of them were able to recover settlement compensations or court verdicts in the millions. Especially the so called class action lawsuits got the attention of the media and the public, since some of them had dollar amounts in the hundred millions at stake.
As mentioned before, it is not difficult to just find any mesothelioma law firm, however, teaming up with the right one for your case is the key to success. When I recently conducted research on New York mesothelioma attorneys, I came across with an interesting service that is offered by some the law practices; it is called 'expedited trial'. Via this procedure, your case will be litigated with a higher priority, which will safe you time and money. Not all mesothelioma law firms have the infrastructure and the connections to provide this special type of service to their clients.
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But those who have been around for a while and gained reputation and respect through the work they did in previous asbestos cases, are usually able to offer this 'extra' to you.In sum: looking at the track record of mesothelioma law firms is certainly a good starting point. In a second step, I would recommend asking for a free consultation. Most of the law firms are willing to do that, since the want your business. This will give you the chance to meet with the lawyers face to face and allow you to make a decision as to whether or not you are comfortable with them on a personal level, too.
The author Tony Ulrich was diagnosed with kidney cancer in October of 2009. In his research on what his cancer could have been caused by, he came across with data that suggests a strong link to environmental toxins, such as asbestos. Searching online for a good law firm that handles Mesothelioma claims is a good start for finding a cancer lawyer. They are not very difficult to find, since Mesothelioma is a fatal illness and limits the lifespan of anyone inflicted with it to just two years. The tragedy of learning about the disease is discovering that it can also be prevented.
The only known and proven cause of Mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. When asbestos dust is inhaled, it gathers in the lungs and begins to eat lung tissue away. After some time, it develops into the lethal cancer that kills its victims. Many wonder how exposure to asbestos happens. People who have worked in the industries where asbestos was present have had high exposure to the deadly dust that leads to Mesothelioma.
Asbestos textile workers, construction workers and demolition workers have had significant exposure. Miners and shipyard workers have probably had exposure every single day they have worked. The U.S. military also has placed workers at risk. On a yearly basis, about 3000 Americans are diagnosed with Mesothelioma. The job of physicians who are using interventions to fight the disease is almost impossible.
They have been able to give medicines and treatments that help stop the extreme pains associated with the disease. Beyond that, their hands have been tied. Aggressive treatments are usually too expensive for those with the disease to afford. Many have gone bankrupt just trying to fight for their lives. If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you should hire an asbestos attorney to counsel you through your claim and any resulting lawsuits.
Your Mesothelioma lawyer can help you determine whether you have a case against your employer. If you do, they can file the claim and guide you every step of the way towards a settlement. The experience of Mesothelioma lawyers can be such a relief to victims and their families. Usually, those in this predicament are thinking more about the ills of the disease rather than monetary compensation for their suffering. Many are not even focused on how they contracted the disease and do not know they can receive compensation.
A Mesothelioma lawyer can help a family get the reparations they rightfully deserve and make a devastating time a little easier financially. Grieving family members, too, have a stake in hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer. Survivors of Mesothelioma victims are eligible to file claims. They have the right to know why their family members were not informed that the asbestos they inhaled could kill them. Going to an experienced attorney and telling them about your case could be your first step toward getting the compensation you deserve.
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