Is that blood?
Blood is composed of blood cells and blood plasma. Blood cells consist of red blood cells, white blood cells and blood pieces.
1. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes), merupakah the bulk of blood cells
Function: carry oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues, carrying carbon dioxide from the body's tissues to the lungs.
Red blood cell binding and karbondioksida/O2 oksigen/O2 caused by hemoglobin. When hemoglobin binds O2 then bright red blood, whereas when the binding of CO2 then bluish-red blood.
2. White blood cells (Leukocytes), is bigger than red blood cells, white blood cell count but far fewer
a. envelops the body tissue to disease
b. kill germs in the body
c. form the body's defense system (antibodies) against the entry of germs
3. Blood platelets (Platelets), a constituent of the smallest blood cells
Function: blood freeze
When the injured blood vessels, blood pieces do not freeze the blood so that blood continuously out. This causes the hole wound slowly closed. In this case the pieces of blood has also worked with fibrinogen contained in the blood. The fragments of blood and fibrinogen create networks that bind to the cell body that was injured and the wound closed completely. 4. Blood plasma
Pale yellow blood plasma, consists of water and other substances (fibrinogen and nutrients)
Function: carry and distribute nutrients throughout the body
Tool if the flow of blood throughout the body?
1. Heart
The heart is the main blood circulation tool:
Ø Consisting of strong muscles that can pump blood throughout the body
Ø resembles a pear shape and the size of a fist
Ø Located in the chest on the upper left rib, which is part of the rib
Ø Consisting of 4 rooms, the foyer to the left, the left ventricle, right atrium, right ventricle
Ø Motion heart pumping can be felt as a throbbing in your chest
2. Blood vessels Arteries and Veins
When circulating in the body, blood flow through blood vessels. The blood vessels that deliver blood from the heart to all body tissues called a carotid artery (arteries), whereas blood vessels that deliver blood from all body tissues back to the lungs called veins (venous)
How to order blood circulation in the body?
Blood O2 transport function of the heart to the body and raised the CO2 from all over the body to the heart, so it is associated with respiratory processes. This means the blood flow through organs like the heart, body tissue, the lungs.
There are 2 kinds of blood circulation:
a. Small blood circulation: blood flows from the heart to the lungs or vice versa
b. large blood circulation: the circulation of blood from the heart to body tissues and then return to the heart
The order of blood circulation in the body:
a. blood flow starts from the heart, the right ventricle to the lungs. In the lungs, blood take O2 and release CO2
b. of lungs full of blood O2 go to the heart, which left the porch and then into the left ventricle
c. of the left ventricle, blood is pumped into the entire body to circulate the O2 network
d. after reaching the body tissues, blood and take the CO2 releasing O2
e. from body tissues, blood-filled CO2 back into the right atrium and then into the right ventricle
f. of the right ventricle is pumped to the lungs and blood in the lungs take O2 and release CO2
What are the diseases that can attack the circulatory system? Disease Name
Narrowing of Blood Vessels
Can lead to coronary heart disease. In coronary artery, blood vessels of the lungs to the heart experienced narrowing and blockage so that the parts of the heart not getting enough O2 ultimately does not work (heart attack). Stroke occurs in the brain, blood vessels to the brain so narrowed and clogged blood vessels of the brain can rupture causing damage to the brain that should get O2 from a ruptured blood vessel
Fat deposits in blood vessels, thickening of blood vessel walls
Changes in Blood Pressure
High blood pressure (hypertension) which can lead to coronary heart disease and stroke, and blood pressure / blood low (hypotension)
Blood pressure changes, namely increased blood pressure and decrease blood pressure. In hypotension may occur during a heart attack, while serious injuries, bleeding a lot which can cause loss of consciousness (shock)
Widening of Blood Vessels
Megakibatkan varices (= dilation of blood vessels that occurs in the lower leg, upper leg and lower abdominal wall. Dilation of blood vessels that occurs in the anus called a hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids
Blood pressure was too great and the amount of blood the heart pumped so much
How to prevent diseases that disrupt the Circulatory System?
Can be done by:
1. eat nutritious food
2. exercise regularly
3. adequate rest
4. maintain cleanliness of body and surroundings for the air that you breathe in clean condition
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